A healthy spine and balanced posture play a critical role in maintaining overall well-being and ensuring the smooth functioning of the body's internal processes. Beyond just providing structural support for vital organs, the spine serves as the central axis that facilitates movement and protects the delicate spinal cord and nerve roots that transmit crucial signals throughout the body.
The spine's flexibility and strength are essential for carrying out routine activities with ease and efficiency, from simple tasks like getting out of bed in the morning to actions like driving and lifting objects. By maintaining a healthy spine, we can prevent injuries that may impair motor functions and disrupt the body's ability to perform daily tasks effectively.
In essence, prioritizing spinal health is not only about physical well-being but also about preserving the body's functional capabilities and ensuring a higher quality of life. Through proper care, such as regular exercise, good posture habits, and seeking professional guidance when needed, individuals can safeguard their spine and enhance their overall health and mobility for years to come.
The Anatomy of the Spine: Structure and Function
The spine it's made up of 33 vertebrae which are stacked bones and usually appear in a curved s shape. Most of the vertebrae are movable apart from the bottom two the coccyx and sacrum which are fused together .
In between each vertebrae we have intervertebral discs they are shock absorbers for the spine and resemble round flat cushions .
Connecting the vertebrae are our facet joints which are cartilage and facilitate movement and allow the vertebrae to slide against each other offering flexibility as well as stability .
But fitness vinyl canal we have our spinal cord and nerves they pass messages from the brain to the muscles in our body.
Maintaining a healthy and flexible spine has many benefits for all of us here of some of the ways keeping a flexible back benefits us all.
Reduction of injuries if your spine has a greater range of motion this will lead to fewer injuries of the back and neck .
Better posture and balance if the muscles are tense around the spine it can prevent nutrients getting to the spinal column which can weaken and cause poor posture.
Having a healthy spine but also reduce your back pain as poor posture is key reason in that people visit us with back pain in the clinic.
A healthy and flexible spine will also help with increased lung capacity as slouching can make it difficult to take in a full of breath.
It can also help increase your energy levels as it allows in the body to deliver nutrients and oxygen to all of your cells with ease.
Enhance Spinal Flexibility with the Cat Cow Flow
Cat cow is a gentle flow between two poses. It is a simple way to bring flexibility to the spine while stretching the back torso and neck and gently warming up the abdominal muscles.
It helps bring the spine into correct alignment and would also ease back pain. We suggest if you have any neck injuries keep your head in line with your shoulders do stop any additional pressure on these muscles. If you have any ongoing back conditions please be careful when you drop your belly into the cat pose, this can put additional strain on your lower back.
Start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and knees under hips. Point your fingers forwards and have your needs and feet around hip distance apart .
Inhale to center yourself, as you exhale draw your belly in towards your spine and round your mid back towards the ceiling. Imagine a cat stretching its back out. Next line drop the top of your head down towards the floor and took the base of your spine under your hips.
As you inhale drop your belly down towards the floor inflating your tummy. Lift your chin and chest and look up towards the ceiling .
Broaden across your chest and drop your shoulders away from your ears.
Accessible Posture with Modifications
This posture should be available to most people however please see below for modifications.
If your wrists hurt you could drop down onto your elbows or rest your upper body on a chair or bolster in front of you. You may also want to fold your mat under your knees for more comfort .
Chair Yoga Posture: Chest Expansion and Spinal Flexion
You can also perform this posture sitting in a chair with your hands on your knees. As you inhale, gently pull back on the front of your kneecaps using the traction of your arms to pull your chest forward as you lift your chin upwards and gaze towards the ceiling.
As you exhale gently took your chin towards your chest let your fingers move down towards the top of your shins as you round through your upper back and pull your belly button in towards your spine.
Standing Forward Bend with Spinal Flexion
You can also do this move while standing coming down so that your upper body is at a 90° angle to your legs. Again resting your hands lightly onto your knees or just above. Inhaling to push against your thighs lifting your chest through your upper arms and tilting your chin towards the wall in front of you. As you exhale let your hands lightly move down your legs rounding through your entire spine and tucking your chin in towards your chest.
At Bloom Wellbeing, not only do we provide a thorough consultation before your session. We also send you home with some simple, clear exercises to keep you feeling great between appointments! Book a session with one of our experienced therapists today!